
As an Associate Game Producer at The Pokémon Company International, I leverage my 10+ years of experience in various industries and my project management and UX certifications to create engaging and immersive games. Gaming has always been my passion, and I combine my technical expertise and emotional intelligence to deliver quality work in every project.

In my current role, I collaborate with a team of talented developers, designers, artists, and testers, using tools like Jira, Miro, and Slack to implement new features and solve complex problems. I apply my Unity and UX skills, which I developed at WB Games / Avalanche and H-E-B, to enhance the user experience and the game mechanics. I value honesty, accountability, and a team-centric approach, inspired by the dynamics of MOBA games, where every member plays a unique role and supports each other.

My goal is to create games that bring millions of players together worldwide, and to grow, learn, and take on leadership roles in the gaming industry. I am excited to collaborate, learn, and share insights with other professionals who share my passion for making a difference through gaming.


Bachelor of Science Business Administration, Information Technology Management

December 2023
